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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

So I forgot that I have a blog. My bad...

OK... I'm not in the habit of blogging, but I have something worth mentioning.

If the damn idiots outside will stop honking their horns at the intersection of KFC & Taco Bell.. Well I shouldn't complain too much. I can't smell the smell chicken yet. Blogger's note: The wind has to be just so in order to get maximum fast food fumes.

So, I spent the weekend in Las Vegas with a coworker. Did I gamble? No. Did I enter a casino? No. Did I even walk along the strip? No.. but we did drive down the strip. Why was I in Vegas? We went down there to attend DefCon 13. DefCon is the uber hacker conference of note in the hacker community. I don't think it was worth the $80 but I had a good time getting out of my element and getting to know said coworker.

My coworker drove both ways, but I couldn't get out of work early enough on Friday so I had to fly there.

I took the Muni to the Bart. I took the Bart to the AirBart. Finally, I arrive at the airport and the kiosk informs me that i'm on standby for some reason. huh? I wait in line with all the characters waiting to fly to "lost wages" as our airline attendant put it.... so the check-in agent tells me that i'm on the National Do-Not-Fly list.

How did they know that I was brown? Damn, they are good. So I said to the agent that I was glad that I got there early, but the agent says that I'm OK to go. uhm.. right..

If it's any consolation, they made me take off my shoes... I put my shoes through el machino, but there was a delay with the second shoe. Apparently my left shoe is a little more suspicious. I've been keeping my eye on "left sketcher" and it's comforting to note that security is tight at the Oakland International.

I did see this castro kid boarding a flight to San Diego as he was applying another layer of gloss. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. So much so that I didn't seem to mind paying $6.29 for a small piece of Round Table Pizza and a soda.

So.. long story long... Las Vegas was hot and humid. Thunderstorms on the way in and out. I was kind of bored. But then again, I was at a nerd conference and I think i've grown out of that. So much for the kids in the black shirts.

At one point I was standing a few feet away from Kevin Mitnick.

It was dreamy.

When we got back i got changed quick and headed out to the bars. What does that say about me?


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