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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Project Slim Jim

I was looking through my Halloween photos and realized that I had forgotten about these pix. I had just returned from my friend D's house the morning of November 1st. I was starving and forgot that I had no food in the house.

I looked down at my costume (I was "Brown Trash" for those of you who didn't see it.) and realized that I still had a Slim Jim Beef & "Cheese Product" snack in my front pocket. An idea then suddenly popped into my mind. A notion so horrendous that I should have just run the other way, but these were desperate times. I began to eye the Slim Jim. I was starving and didn't have any cash on hand.

True Halloween Havoc Posted by Picasa

Yes, I'll admit that after decades of resistance, on November 1, 2005, I finally broke down and decided to participate in an experiment that I'll simply refer to as "Project Slim Jim" for our purposes. Here are the before and after photos:

John snaps into a Slim Jim(tm) Posted by Picasa

The Slim Jim made its way down my throat and proceeded to beat the shit out of my stomach. You know, that crazy guy in the commercials really does jump around in your stomach. You may think that it's just an animation, but oh no, it's a true representation. It's not like you can even sue them for misleading advertising. I immediately realized that I had made a very grave mistake.

My body reacts to the Slim Jim Posted by Picasa

In case you are wondering... No, I will not be having another Slim Jim. Sorry Mr. Slim Jim. Don't be sad.

A Slim Jim in its natural environment.Posted by Picasa


At 8:50 PM, Blogger Chox said...

Hmmm...have you ever tried Vienna sausage? Out of the can? Cold? With saltine crackers?

Now THAT'S living.


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