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Friday, November 18, 2005

tap, tap, tap... is this thing on?

Good hair night Posted by Picasa

What could possibly be better than a good hair night? I'm glad you asked. Answer: Being able to spend time with your favorite people. That's what... "and there's a boy who knows what's what... butter nut bread!"

Butternut Bread!Posted by Picasa

Tonight I stopped outside the Badlands after enjoying a taco and some kickass aqua fresca. I was chatting with some peeps when lo and behold.. what do I hear? "JOHHNNNNN!". It was my good friend Bill yelling out the window. I couldn't resist. I had to run in get some of that sweet love. Apparently he checks my blog each day to see if there are updates. I felt a sudden wave of guilt as I realized that I haven't been adding much content as of late. Bill says he "checks to see if I quote him". You quote someone once and they are hooked. So, we made our way to the imfamous badlands dancefloor and ate up the Kelly Clarkson/Killers/Britney action. Bill is quite the lil dancer and seeing him is always tops.

The Badlands. File Photo (AP) Posted by Picasa

BTW: Bill's friends mentioned their desire to check out "The Edge". I had to relate my experience going to "The Edge" a few years ago (as a newbie). I was with a younger friend of mine. We walked in and the patrons began to cluck at us in unison. We made a figure eight and walked right back out.

For those of you who are visual learners:

This is what happens when you mix bears with chicken. Posted by Picasa

Good times. JD out.


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