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Friday, October 14, 2005

Dating online

Cannibalistic ghetto indeed. Posted by Picasa

Is it just a waste of time? Between the scamming, flakiness, and creepiness, I'm starting to feel like it's just a bad idea to use the Internet to meet people. Is it a waste of time to sort through the liars and creeps online? But then again, bars are filled with liars and creeps too. heh. (not that I go to bars for anything serious).

I've gone through the periods of just not trying. Wait for it to just happen they say. Well, I'd like to meet more than 2 people in my life. Maybe I'm too young for the dating market. I never thought I'd say something like that. I've even fallen for the scam some guys play where they pretend to want a LTR. That's just fucked up. Can I say that? Oh yeah, I can use indecent words online (until the government "fixes" that problem). I forgot that I wasn't near a F.C.C. regulated microphone. heh.

I hope I don't sound sorry for myself. I don't want to be that pathetic, clingy, "I wanna relationship" guy. That's annoying too. I have to take responsibility for my share of the equation, but it's just lame I tell you. LAME!


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