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Saturday, October 08, 2005

A bump in the road

Well, maybe I spoke too soon. Oh well, at least someone got a smile out of my last post.

The verdict isn't quite in yet, but it seems that the two magnets attracted too quickly and have now imploded into a ball of flames. I knew there was a chance of that happening. The first weeks (first week in this case) of a relationship can be very unstable. It's like we were handling radioactive material. There was a lot of energy but it wasn't handled properly. I share the blame for that. Too much too quick. I need to remember to build trust and get to know someone before giving too much of myself. Lesson learned (again). Refresher courses can be very useful.

On a positive note, I saw a friend in the Castro last night and I found out that the two of us share something in common. We have both learned to deal with similar personal issues and I'm very proud of him. I wouldn't mind furthering that friendship, as I value healthy friendships.


At 1:37 AM, Blogger Chox said...

And I can't wait to hang out more either.

I'm glad we talked.


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