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Saturday, October 01, 2005

I met someone special

Hey there...

I met someone special on Tuesday (4 days ago). It seems like i've known him forever, and in a way, I have. Isn't it crazy when two people just click like magnets? heh.

Ahh yes... The LTR. Hello old friend.

So, how soon is too soon to "feel serious" about someone? Is it OK to get serious quickly and hope that everything else just falls into place? When you feel like you are falling for someone, should you censor yourself until after a reasonable amount of time has passed?

I find that it is hard to pace myself when i'm so excited and refreshed. This guy says he wants the same things that I want, and we seem to be at the same place in terms of maturity and readiness for a serious relationship.


I am feeling happy and content. It has been a long time coming. ;-)


At 4:13 PM, Blogger Chox said...


That post totally made me smile.

At 1:35 AM, Blogger Chox said...

Honey, he's trash. I'm glad we had our talk tonight...once I saw who he was, I knew he was nothing but trouble.

He'll get his, don't you worry. :-)


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