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Monday, August 29, 2005

My posts aren't long. What's wrong with that?

I've been told that my blog posts aren't that long. So, what's wrong with that? No need to be wordy. It's all about being pithy. It can be exhausting to reading pages and pages at a time. At least Josh understands what I mean. He has reassured me that my blog postings are "just the right size". I'll leave it at that before it starts sounding dirty. too late.

Whilst walking to work I saw a helicopter hovering over Broadway St. Turns out that four guys tried to strong-arm rob the Centerfolds Club. I guess they were trying to steal money, hookers, and/or implants. Moments later I found out that police had a suspicious package in the Haight that could be a bomb. It turned out to be a toolbox. Not a bomb. We're all getting paranoid!

So, I've made it to the third paragraph. My Sobe LEAN Diet Cranberry Grapefruit Flavored Beverage has helped me through it. Wait? Cranberry Grapefruit Flavored!?!? What a frickin ripoff. Well it does have Cambogia Rind Extract and Cochineal Extract. That's gotta be good for you. Plus... someone slipped me some creatine in an egg burrito. Maybe I should hit the gym tonight. I can go tonight since my ghetto 24hr membership allows for Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun. Woot!


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