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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pathetic behavior

It's kinda scary how well this sign sums up the current state of our country.  Posted by Picasa

What ever happened to respect? That may sound trite, but it seems as though our culture has gotten to the point where it really IS the "me" generation.

The Sly Fox was right about the bar culture of a certain neighborhood here in San Francisco. The denial is starting to wear off for this observer, and I'm interacting with a bunch of "friends" that don't really act as if they care about each other. They pretty much use each other for the company.

Now I realize that this is a sweeping generalization, but I'm seeing this kind of selfish behavior more and more. I started thinking about the people I've met since I've moved here to San Francisco. I've literally met hundreds of people. No, I don't remember all of their names, nor do I feel guilty about it. ;-) But, of all my social acquaintances, how many of them would actually go out of their way to help someone else? I can't think of that many, and that is pathetic.

Tonight I saw multiple individuals attempt to "steal" the person that their friend was pursuing. What ever happened to respect? Why not leave a friend alone with the person they've met? Shouldn't the term "friend" actually mean something? What's wrong with this picture?


At 12:07 PM, Blogger Chox said...

I LOVE that photo. I remember when you showed it to me at Badlands (I wasn't THAT drunk).

How you durrin?

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Chox said...

btw...why do you think I don't spend THAT much time in certain said neighborhood? Actually...it's not so much the neighborhood, it's the bar culture.

I, for one, have better things to do.

You're waking up to the fact that you probably have better things to do than watch a bunch of gay men make fools of themselves.


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