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Sunday, December 04, 2005

That magic moment.

Do you know that moment towards the end of a party when you just know it's over? Something happens and all positive energy simply dissipates. I experienced said moment tonight and yet I persevered in respect of the hosts.

I really can't stand it when a person comes into a group setting and decides to dominate the conversation. Perverting and killing all that is pleasant and enjoyable in a given setting. I'm talking about the loud ass pseudo-intellectual. You know this person. You're probably thinking of a specific individual at this very moment. The pseudo-intellectual is so proud of his or her belief systems that this person feels compelled to take center stage and engender a false debate in order to obnoxiously preach to the masses.

Eventually I had enough and had to leave the room. I walked into the kitchen and asked my friend (the host) if I could help clean. He said everything was fine, so I headed towards the restroom. At that moment, four other people decided to get up and walk out of the room. We all raised our hands to our heads and shot ourselves with the traditional index finger/thumb action. It was a priceless moment.

And for the record... I have many intelligent friends who smoke pot. Some of them even read this blog from time to time. but.. But.. BUT.. Smoking pot does NOT a genius make.

Seacreast out.


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