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Friday, December 30, 2005

What does it take to be happy?

Original recipe? Where's the extra crispy? Posted by Picasa

It's bad enough that I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. What does it take to be happy? I'm happy enough day to day, but I don't know where I'm going. I realize that most people have no idea what they want from life, but it's the kind of thing that comes to mind in the winter during the constant rain storms.

As a kid I always imagined the future as college and my 20's. Well college has come and gone and as freaky as it is to think, my 20's have come and will be over in 3 1/2 years. What have I done so far? Everything seemed to come to a screeching halt after college. Is that reality or just a state of mind?

So as the saying goes... It's not where you're going but the ride along the way... or something to that effect.

OK.. as if I wasn't emotional enough as it is, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody just started playing. Isn't that a great song? Sad. OK. OK. ADD moment. I'm pretty sure that I have S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), but then again who doesn't?


ACK!! 2006? That's kinda like 26.. slowly going downhill towards 2010 and 30. 2010 sounds so futuristic. I'm not sure if there is a point to this blog entry. I guess I'm just really focussing on thinking about what I'm doing during this journey called life. I'll just try not to freak out.

Oh, and by the way, Happy New Year!!! Please sign the guest book if you haven't done so already. ;-)

I'm off to work at 11pm.. yeah I know.. the life of a radio producer.


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