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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

It's already the 3rd week of the new year?

Chicken wants out! Posted by Picasa

Time seems to be flying by lately. I've been working the late night shift at work (last week and this week), so that probably has something to do with it. I saw the picture above tied to a wire story on the bird flu. I couldn't help but laugh after seeing it. That is one determined chicken and you know what it is thinking. Chicken wants out!

So does anyone buy into the whole New Year's resolution thing? What about the idea that the new year is a brand spankin' new palette and everything will be oh so much better this time 'round? I think about that and pretty much con myself into believing it. Otherwise, I think i'd be pretty depressed if I didn't allow for it. It's kinda like the concept of the horoscope. As long as it motivates me to do something, I think i'll take it easy on the horoscope peeps. I'm a Cancer by the way. You probably already knew that. I'm just sensitive.. jesus christ.. BACK OFF! haha j/k.

Oh and.. my horoscope says 2006 is the year in which I meet someone special. That already happened on January 1st. Kinda freaky, huh? haha. I'm also supposed to do well financially. I'm currently competing for a fulltime job at work, so I hope that turns out well. 1 out of 2 so far ain't so bad and it's only January 18th. WOOT!

And is "woot" a west coast thing? I've had 2 or 3 people ask me what the hell "woot" means. I don't know where I picked that one up.

Have a great day! (cheesy walmart greeter smile)


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