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Monday, January 30, 2006

Who knew?

It's true... team mascots eat babies Posted by Picasa

So there we are in the Marina Walgreens. I'm looking for the umbrella sales rack with J, and at this point we have walked around the store at least twice.

Finally I get over the traditional male urge to avoid asking for directions. I ask the counter guy where the umbrellas are located and he calls over a coworker to help us. I didn't realize it was going to get this involved, and later on we find out there is a reason why he asked for a female coworker. Don't worry, we'll get back to that in a second. At this point I expected the guy to hand us paperwork for a background check.

We follow the Walgreens Associate to the stock room door. I assumed that they had run out and the girl was going to get more from the store room. Suddenly J says that he thinks she went into the women's bathroom. We both thought it was strange that she decided to take a pit stop, but whatever, we were on a mission. Moments later she opens the door and appears with an assortment of umbrellas.

J turns to her and asks "You keep the umbrellas in the women's bathroom?". To which she simply replied "Yes." No explanation. The Marina Walgreens keeps the umbrellas in the Women's bathroom.



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