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Monday, March 13, 2006

Checking in...

Hey there! So... how's it going? ;-)

I'm in the middle of moving so I haven't had a lot of time to kill (i.e. blogging about random things). Also, I don't have Internet access at the new digs yet and stealing low signal wireless is a frustrating experience. Comcast is on their way and I'll eventually get my Intercrack back.

Oh BTW, I found another dangerous food outlet in my new hood... PANDA EXPRESS.

/begin rant/ OK, I have a question... Why does Panda Express even bother making anything besides Orange Chicken? As I was thinking about this in line today, the guy in front of me changed his mind and asked for a double serving of Orange Chicken. It's as if the "Panda Chef" started with Orange Chicken and then ran out of inspiration.

I always challenge myself to try something else and I always regret it. Chicken and Potato? Now that's authentic Chinese cuisine. They're not even trying. Come on' Panda! /end rant/


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