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Sunday, September 18, 2005

OK, I am back

Do you ever have a week that just flies by? How about half a month? Or a whole month? The period of time between August 17th and approximately September 17th seems to have been a compressed month for me. It's all about perception. I've been through a lot in the last month and I'm finally feeling like myself again.

I'm taking the right steps to get my life back in order. It seems strange that I would be saying something like that. I didn't notice that, at some point, I stopped evaluating what I was doing with my life. I was so burnt out with the I.T. career that I was willing to let myself just do whatever.

I realize that my last few posts are not written very well. I went back to clean up the obvious typos, but I think i'll let the craziness remain in order to remind me of the experience.

I've changed some aspects of my life in order to maintain both my physical and mental health. I never really respected the concept of mental health as much as I should have. Sure I thought I understood "mental health," but I didn't really understand the importance of sleep.

I didn't understand the hidden side effects of drinking too much. Side effects that were very slow to surface in my case. It took about a year for me to realize that my casual drinking had turned into a real problem. I knew that I was dealing with a real issue the moment I started asking myself some really difficult questions.

Blog therapy. That's probably the only reason I began to blog. I wonder how many people really care if anyone actually reads their blog. I don't know if it's all that important. I like to go back and read "my diary" in order to try to figure out where I was coming from at any particular point in time. It's imporant to me that the dates and times of entries are posted. It brings both my thoughts and the concept of time into perspective.

The problem I have with writing is forming the conclusion. It might explain the inconsistent grades I received during my High School English experience. In case you are wondering, I did take AP English -- No, I didn't get a 3 on the AP test. I got a 2. I got a 2 on the AP Biology test as well. Apparently I didn't have any substantial knowledge of "water bonding." My bad.

I think it's kinda ironic that "they" didn't let me into AP History. So, I'm not a genious in every realm. That' s actually OK, because I graduated with a B.A. in History with a 3.8 in my major. Take that Casa Grande High School! Haha.. ok that's a random conclusion.. err.. tangent.. err.. vent.