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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Intercrack is whack!

Evil! Posted by Picasa

I'm all moved in to the new place thanks to the help of J. It took three trips by myself on Saturday March 11th and and three trips with J on Saturday March 18th. I'm finally out of the hell hole. So much for the namesake of this blog. ;-)

It's official, I'm a Comcast whore. I got the Digital Cable Silver package w/ HBO + DVR + High Speed Internet.

I received the package at work today. Intercrack is back and boy my dealer sure knows how to push product. Digital cable for $39.99 (for the first 3 months) and cable internet for $19.99 (for the first 6 months). After that I will have to offer up my first born.

At least I won't see a god damn bill with the name "Pacific Bell" or "SBC" or "AT&T" or "The New AT&T" or "AT&T powered by SBC" or whatever they decide to call themselves next year. Sorry SBC, you can't run away from a bad reputation. Thanks for playing.

Now I only have to deal with one "evil corporation". Thank god for small favors.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Checking in...

Hey there! So... how's it going? ;-)

I'm in the middle of moving so I haven't had a lot of time to kill (i.e. blogging about random things). Also, I don't have Internet access at the new digs yet and stealing low signal wireless is a frustrating experience. Comcast is on their way and I'll eventually get my Intercrack back.

Oh BTW, I found another dangerous food outlet in my new hood... PANDA EXPRESS.

/begin rant/ OK, I have a question... Why does Panda Express even bother making anything besides Orange Chicken? As I was thinking about this in line today, the guy in front of me changed his mind and asked for a double serving of Orange Chicken. It's as if the "Panda Chef" started with Orange Chicken and then ran out of inspiration.

I always challenge myself to try something else and I always regret it. Chicken and Potato? Now that's authentic Chinese cuisine. They're not even trying. Come on' Panda! /end rant/