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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween Weekend 2005 - Sunday!

Daria Posted by Picasa

It's rather disturbing how good my friend D looks as a woman. I was walking past his place of employment and decided to poke my head in the door. I saw two other people behind the counter so I started to walk away. I was trying to figure out who the new chick behind the counter was when it hit me. I had forgotten that he was going drag for Halloween. I almost peed my pants. He was wearing high heels and walking funny. We agree that he looks better as a woman. PHEAR!

Halloween Weekend 2005 - Saturday!

Attitude... Posted by Picasa

Night #1 of Halloween in the Castro... and so the mischief begins! Look for more pictures to be posted over the next few days. BTW: I've added a guestbook to the blog. The link is on the right side of the page. Sign it, won't you?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

...and then it hit me!

Just another night on Market Street Posted by Picasa

I think I have a concept for my Halloween costume. I'd tell you now, but then I'd have to kill you... and who wants that?

I had to abandon the orignal idea due to the fact that it looked like a crappy last minute ensemble. My friend WL concurred, and I do believe he said he was skurred. What can I say? He's a white boy from the 510. You understand.

The company Halloween party is Friday and it's a great place to preview a costume. Everyone will be smashed and/or somehow embarassing themselves and/or others. That's why we have company parties, right? ;-)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Close your eyes children...

I was on my way home late Sunday evening after a day of pointless shopping. As I was coming up the escalator of the Church Street Station, I couldn't help but overhear the conversation in front of me. All of the sudden this guy yelled "Watch out for the butter!". I couldn't help but agree with him, as I always try to keep my butter intake to a minimum.

It wasn't until I got to the top of the escalator that I realized the true horror and gravity of the situation. Everyone was jumping over three sticks of butter.

OK, so I found it mildly amusing.. shut up.

Pictured above: Butter roadkill. One of the approximately 3,652 sticks of butter that needlessly lose their lives each year to violence.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm gonna be the most popular girl!

left: Ryan's friend Jake. right: Ryan. crappy low-res cell phone photo credit: yours truly. Posted by Picasa

I found out a couple of days ago that I was going to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Program today. Uhm, that's different. Who knew?

Here's the deal:

My friend Ed starred in a "reality tv show" that actually documented reality. I know... go figure. Ed hosted a young, religious, ex-military, and very conservative 24 year old guy named Ryan. Ryan is from rural Michigan and had never been to San Francisco. Almost everything was filmed for a month, allowing for reality to ensue.

Ed had been cast for the "gay/straight" episode of Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days. I appear as one of Ed's friends, and no I didn't get paid. heh. I've heard all the chatter about reality television disappearing. Can you hear the laughter of TV $tudio management? I sure can.

The good news is that the producers did not exploit "the gay community" for shock value (aka: more ratings). That is, unless you count our visit to Daddy's as shock value. This was a true attempt to challenge the beliefs and prejudices on both sides of the equation. I saw Ryan grow as a person and I think that the positive outcome of the process is evident in the footage that made the final cut. His sharing of that experience is a good thing.

Anyway, three or so clips of the program were shown on Oprah today. Check out the program summary on Oprah's website. I believe FX is coming out with a Season 1 DVD of "30 Days" in the near future.


1. I managed to run/jog the entire length of Golden Gate Park (a little over 3 miles) from Haight Street to the Pacific Ocean. This is quite a feat for someone recovering from a knee injury. WOOT!

2. The radio talkshow producer for a certain bay area T.V. personality (think large cranium) has been promoted to another department. The "powers that be" have asked me to fill-in for the first week of the transition. That's not a bad sign.

Now I just need to figure out a way to get a new place to live and distance myself from the anal-retentive roommate. Oh yeah, that's right, I need a real job. ;-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pathetic behavior

It's kinda scary how well this sign sums up the current state of our country.  Posted by Picasa

What ever happened to respect? That may sound trite, but it seems as though our culture has gotten to the point where it really IS the "me" generation.

The Sly Fox was right about the bar culture of a certain neighborhood here in San Francisco. The denial is starting to wear off for this observer, and I'm interacting with a bunch of "friends" that don't really act as if they care about each other. They pretty much use each other for the company.

Now I realize that this is a sweeping generalization, but I'm seeing this kind of selfish behavior more and more. I started thinking about the people I've met since I've moved here to San Francisco. I've literally met hundreds of people. No, I don't remember all of their names, nor do I feel guilty about it. ;-) But, of all my social acquaintances, how many of them would actually go out of their way to help someone else? I can't think of that many, and that is pathetic.

Tonight I saw multiple individuals attempt to "steal" the person that their friend was pursuing. What ever happened to respect? Why not leave a friend alone with the person they've met? Shouldn't the term "friend" actually mean something? What's wrong with this picture?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Dating online

Cannibalistic ghetto indeed. Posted by Picasa

Is it just a waste of time? Between the scamming, flakiness, and creepiness, I'm starting to feel like it's just a bad idea to use the Internet to meet people. Is it a waste of time to sort through the liars and creeps online? But then again, bars are filled with liars and creeps too. heh. (not that I go to bars for anything serious).

I've gone through the periods of just not trying. Wait for it to just happen they say. Well, I'd like to meet more than 2 people in my life. Maybe I'm too young for the dating market. I never thought I'd say something like that. I've even fallen for the scam some guys play where they pretend to want a LTR. That's just fucked up. Can I say that? Oh yeah, I can use indecent words online (until the government "fixes" that problem). I forgot that I wasn't near a F.C.C. regulated microphone. heh.

I hope I don't sound sorry for myself. I don't want to be that pathetic, clingy, "I wanna relationship" guy. That's annoying too. I have to take responsibility for my share of the equation, but it's just lame I tell you. LAME!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

This one is for Daigle. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005

A bump in the road

Well, maybe I spoke too soon. Oh well, at least someone got a smile out of my last post.

The verdict isn't quite in yet, but it seems that the two magnets attracted too quickly and have now imploded into a ball of flames. I knew there was a chance of that happening. The first weeks (first week in this case) of a relationship can be very unstable. It's like we were handling radioactive material. There was a lot of energy but it wasn't handled properly. I share the blame for that. Too much too quick. I need to remember to build trust and get to know someone before giving too much of myself. Lesson learned (again). Refresher courses can be very useful.

On a positive note, I saw a friend in the Castro last night and I found out that the two of us share something in common. We have both learned to deal with similar personal issues and I'm very proud of him. I wouldn't mind furthering that friendship, as I value healthy friendships.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I met someone special

Hey there...

I met someone special on Tuesday (4 days ago). It seems like i've known him forever, and in a way, I have. Isn't it crazy when two people just click like magnets? heh.

Ahh yes... The LTR. Hello old friend.

So, how soon is too soon to "feel serious" about someone? Is it OK to get serious quickly and hope that everything else just falls into place? When you feel like you are falling for someone, should you censor yourself until after a reasonable amount of time has passed?

I find that it is hard to pace myself when i'm so excited and refreshed. This guy says he wants the same things that I want, and we seem to be at the same place in terms of maturity and readiness for a serious relationship.


I am feeling happy and content. It has been a long time coming. ;-)