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Monday, August 29, 2005

My posts aren't long. What's wrong with that?

I've been told that my blog posts aren't that long. So, what's wrong with that? No need to be wordy. It's all about being pithy. It can be exhausting to reading pages and pages at a time. At least Josh understands what I mean. He has reassured me that my blog postings are "just the right size". I'll leave it at that before it starts sounding dirty. too late.

Whilst walking to work I saw a helicopter hovering over Broadway St. Turns out that four guys tried to strong-arm rob the Centerfolds Club. I guess they were trying to steal money, hookers, and/or implants. Moments later I found out that police had a suspicious package in the Haight that could be a bomb. It turned out to be a toolbox. Not a bomb. We're all getting paranoid!

So, I've made it to the third paragraph. My Sobe LEAN Diet Cranberry Grapefruit Flavored Beverage has helped me through it. Wait? Cranberry Grapefruit Flavored!?!? What a frickin ripoff. Well it does have Cambogia Rind Extract and Cochineal Extract. That's gotta be good for you. Plus... someone slipped me some creatine in an egg burrito. Maybe I should hit the gym tonight. I can go tonight since my ghetto 24hr membership allows for Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun. Woot!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Where am I going? Oh, Woe is me.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the idea of moving to another city. I definately need to live in an urban environment for this phase of my live. Do I need a change of scenery? Maybe it's just that I need a new job. Working parttime was uber cool for uhm, about a year, but me thinks it's time to get back on the right track. Oh, Woe is me.

Do I go back to school? I promised myself that I wouldn't get a Masters unless I knew what I wanted to do.

High paying tech job? I quit the tech industry because I felt like I was limiting my life experience. If I go back to that, then what was the point of leaving in the first place (other than getting out of the county I grew up in)?

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I'm a craigslist junkie. I need to quit the habit. Is there a support group for this? Maybe I can find a support group on craigslist. doh. What I really need to do is take a shower and get outside to enjoy this nice weather. And yes, nice weather is anything that involves a blue sky and the Sun.

Monday, August 08, 2005

I've got a hot date yo!

2 hour 45 minutes til the hot date. Dinner and a movie. How classic is that?

I realize that my last post seems rather depressing. I'm OK, i just have those moments that we all have. Well, almost all of us. Some people are rather inhuman and soulless, but we're not talking about those people.

Live moves on. I always remind myself that I choose to be happy. As simple sappy as that may sound, it works. Focus on the positive. Word.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Another night at the bars...

So... i feel like i'm in a version of the movie Groundhog Day. I wake up.. eat.. go to the gym.. go out to bars.. wash.. rinse.. and repeat...

OK, so I really take the shower after I wake up, but you get the idea. Makes me think that I need to find something else to get excited about. I've been looking for a relationship but sometimes that attempt just seems futile. Look for another job? hobbies? hmmm.. Another cycle on the oh so slightly bi polar express.. ranging from the high after going to the gym.. and then to the low of the feeling of being oh so very alone. isolated. depressed.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

So I forgot that I have a blog. My bad...

OK... I'm not in the habit of blogging, but I have something worth mentioning.

If the damn idiots outside will stop honking their horns at the intersection of KFC & Taco Bell.. Well I shouldn't complain too much. I can't smell the smell chicken yet. Blogger's note: The wind has to be just so in order to get maximum fast food fumes.

So, I spent the weekend in Las Vegas with a coworker. Did I gamble? No. Did I enter a casino? No. Did I even walk along the strip? No.. but we did drive down the strip. Why was I in Vegas? We went down there to attend DefCon 13. DefCon is the uber hacker conference of note in the hacker community. I don't think it was worth the $80 but I had a good time getting out of my element and getting to know said coworker.

My coworker drove both ways, but I couldn't get out of work early enough on Friday so I had to fly there.

I took the Muni to the Bart. I took the Bart to the AirBart. Finally, I arrive at the airport and the kiosk informs me that i'm on standby for some reason. huh? I wait in line with all the characters waiting to fly to "lost wages" as our airline attendant put it.... so the check-in agent tells me that i'm on the National Do-Not-Fly list.

How did they know that I was brown? Damn, they are good. So I said to the agent that I was glad that I got there early, but the agent says that I'm OK to go. uhm.. right..

If it's any consolation, they made me take off my shoes... I put my shoes through el machino, but there was a delay with the second shoe. Apparently my left shoe is a little more suspicious. I've been keeping my eye on "left sketcher" and it's comforting to note that security is tight at the Oakland International.

I did see this castro kid boarding a flight to San Diego as he was applying another layer of gloss. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. So much so that I didn't seem to mind paying $6.29 for a small piece of Round Table Pizza and a soda.

So.. long story long... Las Vegas was hot and humid. Thunderstorms on the way in and out. I was kind of bored. But then again, I was at a nerd conference and I think i've grown out of that. So much for the kids in the black shirts.

At one point I was standing a few feet away from Kevin Mitnick.

It was dreamy.

When we got back i got changed quick and headed out to the bars. What does that say about me?