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Monday, February 27, 2006

It's been a busy couple of weeks.

Yeah baby... Posted by Picasa

So it's been a busy time. I've been looking at a bunch of studio apartments with J. Some of them were nice and some of them were quite gheettooo. After a nearly exhausting search, I've settled upon a place in Lower Pacific Heights / Upper Fillmore.

I'm not quite sure about the "neighborhood" label, but I'll have my people look into it. btw... Why can't I find apartments that are definitely within a specific hood? Always on the fringe... ;-) and in case you were wondering, I don't think i'm going to be registering a new neighborhood domain name. I'm pretty sure that www.lowerpacificheights.com is taken by some wannabe that wishes he/she could be livin it up in Specific Whites.

I will always have a place in my heart (or stomach) for the LCH and KFC/TB fumes. In case I suffer withdrawls from not being near franchised food, there is a Burger King a couple blocks away from the new place. Flame grilled. Now, that's hot.

VALENTINE'S DAY: J. made me dinner... from scratch. Now we're not talking Mac & Cheese made from scratch. We're talking lamb chops, risotto, and salad made from scratch.. AKA: the WORKS. J. claims to be a first time chef but i don't know if I buy it. I brought over a Zin and some Ben & Jerry's. It was perfection. I didn't deserve it, but just wait til the payback ;-)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I'm baaaaaaaaack.

Me! Posted by Picasa

Hey working world... John's back! Could it be? My work called over the weekend and offered me a fulltime position. I thought about it for a second. As much as I love being poor and budgeting for food, I decided that i'm over "low income chic".

Now I just need to find a new place to live. Bye bye Mr. Anal Retentive Roommate.. muhahahahah!