It's September 11th, 2006
I'm in a much better place then I was one year ago. Thank God for small favors.
All the 9/11 coverage today has me in an emotional and sentimental state. Last night 60 Minutes did a story on the Children of 9/11 victims and it was very sad. These poor kids have lost parents and I'm realizing that I need to grab life by the horns and live it up.
Last week my boss asked about my vacation plans. I really haven't thought about it all that much and I didn't realize I was running out of time. Turns out I have to use my vacation before the end of the year. Thanks Mickey.
I've never been that very good about taking vacation. I don't know why. I went three and a half years at my last full-time job without taking one. At least I was able to leave that hell hole with a huge paycheck.
It may be time to take a road trip. I've always wanted to make the cross-country voyage and I may just do that. Stay tuned for details...